Hello everyone,
After some time, I decided to write an entry again, because I've been thinking about the following for quite a while: Lolita fashion and brands. And with this, I don't just mean brand clothing inside of lolita fashion, but the way lolita fashion has influenced the way I feel about wearing brand or non-brand things in general.
Before I got into lolita, I don't think I ever wore brand clothing. Sure, it was nice for me if I'd have an expensive brand item every once in a while, but I never paid much attention to it. The same goes for makeup: as long as it did its job, I was fine with it. I didn't care about brand names at all.
But now I have noticed that I don't like to buy offbrand things or replicas anymore.
For example, there's a bag from Dior which I'd really like to have. You might know it, it's the well-known Dior Saddle Bag. I completely love horses, and what's more awesome than owning a designer bag which is equestrian inspired?
Saddle Bag by Christian Dior |
However, these bags are insanely expensive, the prices of lolita bags are nothing compared to it. But I don't want to own a replica of it. I want to own the original.
Also, I've been shoe shopping a lot lately, and I noticed that if the shoes are just from a random store which doesn't sell any well-known brands, I don't like to buy them. It's quite ridiculous thinking about it, but I think of such nameless shoes as bad quality. I really prefer to wear brand shoes now.
Equestrian inspired Miss Sixty boots |
I would really like to own this pair of boots by Miss Sixty, once again equestrian inspired. The bit clasp around the ankles is just so cute! I love it. I think Miss Sixty has become my favorite brand when it comes to boots. I ordered myself a new pair today, in brown. I am in desperate need of new boots, but I didn't want to settle for any other brand.
For make-up, I also prefer to buy brands now. I remember the simple days when I'd just buy a 15-euro foundation at the drugstore. But now, I won't go for anything less than high-end brands. Foundations I have been using lately are from Clarins, Lancome, or Yves Saint Laurent. I did buy a drugstore foundation a while ago because I wanted to try it out, but I just don't trust it somehow.
Also, it doesn't help that most foundations from the drugstore don't contain any SPF. Could be easily solved with a primer or moisturizer of course, but somehow it doesn't feel right to wear a foundation which doesn't even contain any SPF.
One of the foundations I use |
When it comes to things such as lipstick, eyeliner or eyeshadows: I don't feel the need to buy high-end brands of that stuff, thankfully. But I will not settle for a drugstore's own brand, or something like that. I only buy from L'Oreal, Bourjois and sometimes Maybelline. Those are my three favorite drugstore brands.
Now I wonder, how does it work for you? Did you also start to pay attention to brands in general, because it's such a big deal in lolita fashion? I think it has hugely influenced me.
Don't get me wrong though, I don't look down at all on people who don't feel the need to wear brand. In fact, I sometimes wish I wouldn't care so much about it. But once you start to care, it's very hard to turn back again. Especially if you're already a shopping addict, like me.
The replica-hate in lolita fashion also made me care more about wearing brand things. One person once told me she thought I looked ridiculous in Moi-meme-Moitie, because I carried a replica bag from Bodyline with it. Such things make me very insecure. So maybe that's also why I started to care about brands more and more.
Long entry, sorry!
But it would be interesting to hear about other people's experiences and opinions on this matter. Feel free to leave me a comment, and have a nice weekend!